This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Orkin Ecologist for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I recently read an article about the world’s scariest bugs on the Orkin Ecologist site that completely freaked me out. I hate bugs especially the ones covered in said article. This article covered the scariest bugs like spiders, ants, flies, and hornets. The World's Scariest and Deadliest bugs also talked about the bugs that look less dangerous yet carry deadly diseases that can pass on to humans. I had no idea that the mosquito was responsible for more human deaths than any other bug in the world. No matter what, the bot fly freaks me out the most.

The bot fly is a fly that lives under the flesh of a human while it's in the larvae stage. bot flies deposit eggs on a host, larvae from these eggs, stimulated by the warmth of a human, drop onto its skin and burrow underneath. The larvae of a human bot fly can cause extreme pain because of its thorny spine. If the larvae is squeezed and it ruptures, its bodily fluids could cause severe anaphylactic shock.

The bot fly is extremely gross looking and I couldn't imagine having a bug that big living under my skin and feeding off of my flesh. Ever since I saw a video on Youtube of man having bot fly larvae pulled from him neck and head, I've been afraid of ever having to go through that. I would say that was a true #BugOut moment for me.
The Orkin Ecologist page is a great educational page for the bug scientist or novice as well as a great place to learn about all the bugs that creep you out the most. I learned a lot from this educational resource and would highly recommend liking the Orkin Ecologist on Facebook ( to learn a tons of facts about millions of different bugs. You can also find the Orkin Ecologist on Pinterest ( Share a picture of the bug that freaks you out most on Pinterest buy using the tag #BugOut.
Tell me on Facebook or Twitter, what bug freaks you out the most or what #BugOut moment have you had?
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