DR.'s REMEDY® PUTS PINK IN THE SPOTLIGHT THIS OCTOBER Get Gorgeous Tips and Give Back During Breast Cancer Awareness 2012 Pink is the #1 color this fall as beauty brands tap into every degree of the preeminent shade in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Dr.'s REMEDY® leads the way in the fight for the cause by teaming up with Living Beyond Breast Cancer, whose mission is to empower all women affected by breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life. The all-natural ingredients and lack of toxins in Dr.'s REMEDY® Enriched Nail Polish offers a safer, healthier option for nail care, giving you some peace of mind. And, during the month of October, Dr.'s REMEDY® is tickled pink to donate 10% of the proceeds from the sales of three pink shades to Living Beyond Breast Cancer, an organization which ensures that women who are n...
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